Sunday, April 20, 2008

too late for that

everything broke down that night
you left me in the park
chained up to the post while the seasons changed
thick snow piled high around my thinning frame.

this stake is driven deep into the soil
and cannot be removed
pulling muscles pulling thin
splitting skin and flowing blood

its late december and i am scared at night
no one visits no one even tries
only those that have to come visit in a professional manner
you left me.

you left me in the cold
you took all we were and threw it away
you threw me away like so much refuse.
easy as you like.

as the last weeks approach i resolve to remember
as the light fades i resolve not to forgive
where i once forgave you for your capriciousness
i condemn you for your callousness.

you left me. you won't see me again until i go into the ground.
by then its too late to tell you and to hear the excuses i no can no longer accept.

good bye.
live with your regrets
and eventually stop visiting my stone.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Unnumbered III

numerous birds of prey
diving, driving, speeding, hungry
hooked beaks reeking of blood
hunting prey with flawless eyesight
and awesome precision.

the accuracy, the precision, the precession, the kill
tearing limb from limb, tearing life out
leaving husks, leaving hulks
black-tipped, red-winged, blue eyed slits

faster than i can run, before i can think
i am in clutches of scissored hands
i can feel the material se per atin g
the pu ll in g a pa rt and the 


they came for everything

they came for everything
one day it all went away
i'm still looking for my pride.

one day out in the fields
a man who broke his back
carrying the weight of another
said he'd had enough.

the same day
another man who laid on his back
living on the fruits of others' labor
decided he wanted more.

those who expect everything
from those who already have nothing
and who work for a debt they can't pay
find new ways of squeezing blood from stones.

a business exists to make more money
than it spends.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Sinead O'Connor: The Last day of our Acquaintance

Sinead O'Connor performing "The Last day of our Acquaintance" live.

The source for this video flashes a message from "Michelle;" i suppose she has a connection to the song...
everytime i hear this song i get goosebumps.
everytime i see her beat her chest for emphasis i swear i tear up.

Soulside: Name in Mind and Problems Faced While Travelling

Soulside is an older band that mutated into a number of other bands. 

They were on Dischord Records, a seminal hardcore/punk/emo label still in 
operation. Back before "Emo" was a household word,
back before the phrase "Screamo" had to exist to differentiate the genre, Dischord existed. As did Soulside.
"Name in Mind," the first song on this video, is my favorite song of theirs. The album version is cleaner and slower, but the energy of
a live set is great.

Hot Water Music: Floor

And another HWM live video from wayback.

This track is "Floor," also from Finding the Rhythms.

Hot Water Music: Eating the FIller

Hot Water Music playing "Eating the Filler," from their
first LP "Finding the Rhythms." This is a typical shitty 
live punk rock recording.
The people in attendance look less than enthusiastic, 
a far cry from what the band would enjoy later on.

Thursday: Understanding in a Car Crash

Thursday has always been a fantastic band. The album this comes from, "Full Collapse," is just great all around. 

They have many great albums; their best in my opinion is "Waiting."
Great lyrics, dynamic music, heartfelt vocals. One can't ask for more than that.

The Cure: A Forest

Another great song and video from the Cure.
Enjoy. i do.


nothing is more powerful than fire
fire to heat food fire to warm the body
fire to warm the earth
the fire goes out and the freezing starts
the frost puts years on me every day
the limbs are stiff like rails and twice as heavy
the blood
the heat is gone and so are you
this light is gone and so are you
around here it thunders when it snows.


run screaming into the woods at night
branches lash across my naked body
penance for foolishness and ignorance
emerge on the other side drenched
stinking of blood and sweat
sinking in the mud i create
diving into the ravine that’s been dry for years
hitting the bottom in a crashing sound
of a bag of bones finally cracking under its own weight
no blood, no sound, no more excuses
no trace of dirt, the plunge is cleansing.
bleached  white spot of earth where nothing will grow
my death that cleansed me is the same
cause of all else. my grave will be
muddy forever. no flowers. no grass.
no life, no getting on with anything.


so there it goes, and there you go
the universe, in all its color, gone
blinking out in a flash and everything is cold
deep blue- black, smooth as warm water
seeping out of a container, sinking below the surface
the world disappeared that night. 
myself, my pride, my ‘me.’ all went black.
the inkwells filled up to spill this pathetic nonsense.
the windows all remained open as the vacuum sucked
out the air. so no one heard me but me.
in the silence, all i heard was me. the breath, the heartbeat
it took me years to get here. but here is nowhere.
welcome to my nowhere. this is my nothing, now is not.
where i had much i have less than nothing. a negative.
a human debt. a soul- less revolution.
the sound of a universe closing. the shreiking of babies
and kings. the unravelling of every tapestry ever woven.
the shattering ofevery glass pane in church windows. the up- rooting
of every blade of grass. the boiling of every lake.
the me that was has taken a nap and left the me that is
in charge.


as the body falls from the ledge
the streets approach, again
and the people approach, again.
the shapes become familiar
the recent history and its discomfort
becomes easier to take
the abandonment, the failures
the losses the bad decisions
all disappear in the blur.
the black eyes the restless nights
the coffee burns the head colds
mean less as the pavement  nears.
the problems
as we


how often did you wish for
the inkwells to run dry
to never have to the reasoning
to go for everything on instinct alone?

to fake the warmth
to fuck the mouth
to fail the prophetic words of romance movies
to feel one thing
and call it another
to forget everything because
it was never written down.

my blood runs red black.
everything i was everything i am
everyfailure success reason injury
pain joy and drop of blood
my past is who i am.


hold me now. hold me down
stop the shaking, stop the shivering.
open up my vein to let
the medicine work.

stand by me stand me up in the
harm. harming the chances
of ever straightening out.


famous, infamous, dead.
being forgotten is worse than death
never having been
is better than life without memory
alzheimers scares the hell out of me.
our bodies regenerate themselves
every 7 or so years.
so the only me that was 8 years ago
is the memory i have and the
hopes i have.
if i forget me and you forget me
i’ll be nothing.


stuck in bed and trapped beneath the sheets i still
haven’t washed since you left. the weight of
the whole night pinning me down.
hard to breathe, hard to see.
waiting for the other hammer to fall. i dearly miss the love i never had.
i never knew how little i had had until it imploded.
the nights are longer, the sun is more blinding.
the air is drier and the people more distant.
i can’t pretend to be happy without it feeling like a wake.
too far gone.
everything is grey as ash, heavy as stone.
i couldn’t hold onto you any more than myself.
take me on without taking me down.


it took a while, but it finally set in.
only so many cracked ribs, collapsed lungs,
sucking chest wounds; an oil pan full of blood with a fast leak.
now that i am stone i cannot be hurt, only crumbled. take no one
at face value. stalk your predators like they stalk you.

Unnumbered II

red hot, then not at all

we all take the ride on the rollercoaster a time or two
and then we all get off.
the wind in our faces
forgetting somethings for a while
the time to be a child for 2 minutes flat
the last chances, the second chances, the "just one more times"
and the only time to experience the good old days
all at once.

then the cars slow and the wind dies down
the lurch forward brings us back
to what we are and who we aren't.
the great escape is fleeting
the end is now, the first day of the rest of our lives.