Wednesday, May 28, 2008

as the blood pools, the blood pulls

falling, failing, forfeiture.
freedom, farce.
showing one the door and pushing them out
into the cold are two different things.

the snow drifts are drifting up to my neck
as the blood pools, the blood pulls
the arms can't stop the shaking
and the arms are stretched to breaking.

feeling like i'm the only one to be so alone
as i am the only one alone in the streets
is reassuring.
the footsteps echo across the street
their delay betrays the silence.

no signs to point my way, no way to go anyway
with no where in mind i suppose i can't ever be lost.
the weights on my legs are slowing me down.
the weight on my shoulders are weighing my down
the wait i am hurrying up to get to is pointless yet inviting.

i can't drink you off my mind
i can't ask enough people to beat you out of my mind.
on the lonely streets, on the bloody steps
on the piss-soaked walkways i am falling fast into a daze
hurting myself for holding on so hard
to what i could never touch.

so far away, so hard to reach
so cold the night, so slow the time.

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