Tuesday, May 13, 2008

My Opinion's Going to Hurt You but It Still Remains the Same

keep away from here
now that i'm awake and the air is so clear
i stand strong i stand aware

what once was dark and heavy has been shaken off
the mess we left the trouble i made
i can't take back so you won't hear me try
what's done is done and i've spoke my mind
"my opinion's going to hurt you but it still remains the same*"
the car's in motion the seat belts cut out years ago
we can't pretend anymore that safety's an issue

so now i'm moving forward
'cause moving backwards was never an option
so fuck all to what we've done and what we used to say
and fuck all to what we always wanted to do
here is now and tomorrow is always too far away

i am alive i will survive the remorse
i forgot
how to regret
so don't expect me to apologize again

it will rain again it will storm like hell
we'll get snowed in and stuck in the cold
but i'll be damned if i stay in this cell
and be damned if i sit and wait to grow old

i am alive i will survive the remorse
i forgot
how to regret
so don't expect me to apologize again

-* from [D.A.R.Y.L.]'s self-titled release.
check it out 

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